Band - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: "My student and I are having a hard time finding information for the music department/band class. Where can we go?"
A: Neuquamusic.org is a great place to find information pertinent to all music students. However, this website doesn't cover class specific items like grades and assignments. You should check out google classroom. Your student's first assignment for the year was to complete a scavenger hunt on class resources. Your student should be a pro, and can show you their classroom. You can even join the class as a parent/guardian. (Scavenger Hunt)
Q: "I am not understanding the technique score. What does the number in the grade book represent?"
A: Please see - Understanding Your Technique Score
Q: I am interested in being a parent volunteer. How can I get involved?
A: Thank you! Our band program relies on parent help for various tasks and events throughout the year. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful Band Parents Association. They have opportunities for all, and range from small tasks like copying music, to being a board member for the association. Please click here to see the BPA page!