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WildScats Blue and Gold

2024-2025 WildScats Roster


Welcome to the WildScats vocal jazz page! Since the inception of our school, Neuqua Valley's vocal jazz program has been a thriving, enjoyable, entertaining, and memorable component of the music department. These small, auditioned, co-curricular ensembles are a wonderful place for students to connect and creatively collaborate in the engaging, diverse genre of vocal jazz. Students of all voice parts and grades are strongly encouraged to pursue this premiere program!





2024-2025 WildScats Blue and Gold Information & Files





​2nd Semester Schedule


2024-2025 WildScats Blue Repertoire Packet: Full Quality PDF | Compressed PDF


2024-2025 WildScats Blue Reference Recordings: YouTube | Spotify


Practice Tracks for Songs to Have Learned for 1st Rehearsal (see welcome letter for information):


Hit That Jive Jack: Soprano (Up | Down) | Alto (Up | Down) | Tenor (Up | Down) | Bass (Up | Down)


Bim-Bom: Soprano (Up | Down) | Alto (Up | Down) | Tenor (Up | Down) | Bass (Up | Down)


Please visit the linked compilation of remarkable solo and ensemble vocal jazz performances below. One of the most important ways to improve in the area of jazz is simply to listen to jazz! So, please take a listen and be ready to discuss and learn from these performances in our rehearsals!


Compilation of Remarkable Professional Vocal Jazz Performances






​2nd Semester Schedule


Resources for Songs to Have Learned for 1st Rehearsal (see welcome letter for information):


Here's That Rainy Day: PDF | Reference Recording


Route Sixty-Six: PDF | Reference Recording 1 | Reference Recording 2


Please visit the linked compilation of remarkable solo and ensemble vocal jazz performances below. One of the most important ways to improve in the area of jazz is simply to listen to jazz! So, please take a listen and be ready to discuss and learn from these performances in our rehearsals!


Compilation of Remarkable Professional Vocal Jazz Performances



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